Monday 16 January 2017

Dental Health Services

Dental Health Services includes good dental health that begins with you. By following these simple tips you can keep your mouth clean and healthy:
1. Brush your teeth for two minutes, last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, using fluoride toothpaste.
2. Use a toothbrush with a small- to medium-sized head.
3. Use a toothbrush with soft to medium, multi-tufted, round-ended nylon bristles.
4. Consider using a power toothbrush.
5. Use small, circular movements to clean your teeth.
6. Change your toothbrush regularly, and at least every 3 months according to Dental Health Services.
7. Clean between your teeth every day using inter dental brushes or dental floss.
8. Have sugary drinks and foods less often.
9. Visit your dental team regularly, as often as they recommend. Why should I visit the dental team regularly? It is always better to prevent problems rather than have to cure them when they happen. If you visit your dental team regularly you will need less treatment and they will spot any problems earlier, making any treatment easier.

Dental Health Services

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